Thursday, June 27, 2013

Creating a Database with Access - Part II

Part II – Creating a Database with Access


In the previous article, we reviewed some of the requirements that would be needed to develop a simple indexing system using Microsoft Access.  The basic requirements are: (1) computer skills and (2) time to develop a system.  In Part II, we will discuss designing a simple database that may be used to manage a collection of records, in office and off-site.   

However, I still recommend the purchase of document management software in lieu of developing an in-house system.  While your organization may have a qualified information management professional with a Microsoft Access background, a document management system is a very complex program, developed by experts employed by companies that are in the business of providing this type of service.   

If you still want to proceed, the first and most important goal in developing a database/finding aid is identifying the information you want to capture.  I cannot over-emphasize how critical this phase of the project is if it is to be successfully implemented.  You need to consider the following:

§  What is the purpose of the database?

§  What information do you want to capture?

§  Make a list of the field names and what data type the record will be (date, text, currency, number, memo, etc.).  Pay particular attention and place the fields in a logical flow for data entry.  Example:  If you are entering information from a form, you want to design the fields for data entry in the same flow as the form entries. 

§  Determine the types of reports you want to produce. 

The books on Access mentioned in Part I at the end of this article will help you in the development of the program with examples of data fields and data types (Numbers, Text, Data/Time, Memos, etc.) 

Remember: I try to limit and/or establish only the basic information needed to manage the document.  Do not be tempted to add additional fields in your table just in case.  Keep it simple if at all possible.  I have found in the past the tendency to capture too much information. 

Creating a Table in a Database 

A database is a collection of information associated with a topic (for example, sales of products for customers).  The smallest piece of information in a database is called a field, or category of information, such as a customer’s name, city, state, or telephone number.  A key field is a field that contains unique information for each record.  A group of related fields, such as all demographic information for one customer, is called a record.  In Access, collection of records for a single subject, such as all the customer records, is called a table 1 

The following tables will be created:

·         Table for file management.

·         Table to manage boxes in storage

·         Table to manage retention  

File Management Table

The database table below developed in Microsoft Access will allow the user to develop the basic information to manage their files to:

§  Produce reports (listings) of records in the database (by department, function, file code).

§  Print file folder labels.

§  Produce destruction notices.

§  Produce transfer notices for off-site storage facilities or your state archives by modifying or adding fields to the database.

§  Searches by keyword.

§  Create indices.

An example of a table in Access design mode with fields and data types to capture a single record of information:

Field Name
Data Type
Alpha/Numeric Field
Beginning Date/Sequence Range *
Ending Date/Sequence Range *
Memo Field for expanded information
Provide capability to attach pictures, documents, spreadsheets, etc.,
Department/Function Owner
Date entered into the system.  Used for quality control and label creation.
Records Status (Active, Inactive, Transferred, State Archives)
Date transferred to another location (Archives, Storage)
Barcode Number or Box Number
Records Review Date of Inactive Records
Date Record Destroyed

Figure  1

* You may want to create a separate field for each field, i.e, one for dates and one for sequence ranges. 

I am assuming that you have a basic idea of the definition of a field and data type.  Simply stated they are:  (1) Field Name:  The name assigned to each field in a table, and (2) Data Type:  the type of information that will be entered into the field. 

While in the Design mode for your record table you may specify default entries to speed up data entry.  Examples:

·         How you want the date to be entered – 1/25/2011, Jan 25, 2011, 1-25-11. 

·         How you want the telephone number to be entered:  (253)-229-4xxx

·         How you want the Social Security Number to be entered:  111111111 or 111-11-1111. 

If you noticed, I start the field name with a specific identifier (Rec_*) to denote the table I am working with, for example:  At a later time you can learn to create a query to join the two tables to provide information for reports, etc. 

You can add additional fields to the table for specific types of records being created.  For example, you could add a field to denote the record being retained is a tax record or held under a litigation hold.  This could be useful when you are conducting queries. 

Again, I am assuming that your organization has an established records management program and your records have been inventoried and a file classification system established as the Rec-FileCode reflected in the File Management Table (Figure 1) and utilized in both the Box Management Table (Figure 2) and Retention Management Table (Figure 3) for the creation of the destruction notice.  If you are going to use the full potential of the three tables, then the file code is required.  Some resources on conducting an inventory can be found on my blog at 

Note:  As I am not a professional programmer I do not write computer code for the programs I develop.  I utilize only the existing program wizards provided in Microsoft Access to develop the queries, forms, and reports.   

If you have completed the table, exit and save the table, then open the table and try entering data into the table to see if you have the necessary fields to effectively manage your records.  Experiment with some of the capabilities of Microsoft Access and create forms, reports, queries using the Wizard functions in MS Access.  Do the same for each of the tables that are being developed.  

Box Management Table 

The box management database table below will allow the user to data enter information about boxes to be sent to storage:

·         Created transfer notices for internal and/or external commercial records storage.

·         Create indices of boxes in storage (all, by department or function).

·         Listings to be used for records retention reviews.

·         Number of boxes in storage by user, for possible chargeback storage costs.

·         For budgeting purposes the number of boxes being sent to storage and destroyed (annually).


Field Name
Data Type
Auto Number
System number
Barcode or Shelf Number
Alpha/Numeric Field
Department/Function Owner
Beginning Date of Records within box
Ending Date of Records within box
Alpha/Numeric Field
Alpha/Numeric Field
What records are within the box
What records are within the box
Date Transferred to storage
Active, Inactive, Out, Destroyed, etc.,
Year box to be reviewed
Date Box Destroyed

Figure 2

Retention Management Table. 

The retention management database table below will allow the user to enter data on the retention periods and legal information for each record type entered in your file and box management tables.  If created, it will provide the information to:

·       Create destruction notices by creating queries on fields within different tables (Rec & Box), then creating a report that will produce a destruction notice..

·       Create library of legal citations that reflects the minimum legal requirement for the retention of the record series.

·       Using a hyperlink to the legal citation instead of a paper copy.  A click of the hyperlink will provide direct access to the source document (citation) where it is officially maintained.  I highly recommend a review of the link on a yearly basis to insure the citation is current.   

Field Name
Data Type
Auto Number
System number
Alpha/Numeric Field
Alpha/Numeric Field
Jurisdiction:  Fed, State, Local
Enter Citation Number
Enter Citation Title
Enter Citation Retention
Enter Organization’s Retention Period
Enter a hyperlink to citation
Enter type of record: (T)ax, (A)rchival, (O)ther
Enter any other special information

Figure 3


Following the guides in the books suggested in the previous article, you should be able to design a simple database as your document management system that will provide you with a finding aid for search and retrieval of your business records.  Additional resources by Lisa Friedrichsen listed below: 

Course Guide:  Microsoft Office Access 2003 Intermediate

Microsoft Office Access 2007:  Illustrated Course Guide, Basic

Microsoft Access 2010:  Basic

In Part III I will discuss queries and creation of data entry forms from the data being captured in the tables above. 

Bob Dalton, CRM of Dalton Consulting....................
 NOTE:  This Blog and the 3rd article are not viewing properly on the blog.  Please feel free to request a copy of Part II and III by sending an email message to

Note:  My thanks to editor, Barbara Werelius, for her assistance in the development of this article.  Other articles by Mr. Dalton can be reviewed and copied at his BLOG site: 

[i] Lisa Friedrichsen, Microsoft Access 2000 Illustrated Series Introductory, Course Technology, 2000, page A-4


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