Friday, October 05, 2007

Personnel File Retention

Retention period for Personnel File of Terminated Employees
Survey Results
NR of Years % Responses

3 years 4.7% - 2
4 years 7.0% - 3
5 years 7.0% - 3
6 years 9.3% - 4
6 years (current year plus 6) 18.6% - 8
7 years 18.6% - 8
10 years 11.6% - 5
20 years 2.3% - 1
Permanent 20.9% - 9

20 people answered other retention as follows:

1. Termination date + 3 years
2. 40 years
3. 70
4. termination + 4
5. 240 months 20 years if they have medical files in them.
6. 6 yrs from the last taxation year in which pension commences
7. We keep personnel file for Term. + 5 yrs but our Employment Verification cards
are kept Term. + 75 years and are microfilmed.
8. 75 years after termination.
9. Still developing a division of file contents, currently dumped all together
10. Employee termination plus fifty years
11. T+8
12. Medical file 30 years
13. 75 yrs beyond separation
14. 25 fiscal years after termination
15. 6 years personnel, 60 years retirement related information
16. more if enrolled in a benefit plan Tue
17. 2 years after the employee terminates or transfers
18. Personnel files - 5 yrs, employment history cards- 25 years Mon
19. T + 7 Years
20. Retention depends on content, tax 4, job descriptions permanent

12 Skipped question

1. Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Retention Schedule 27(a)
2. It's a retention schedule approved under the Archives and Records Management
Law - Title 5, sub-sec. 95, Maine Revised Statutes Annotated
3. 29CFR516.5, 29CFR516.6, 29CFR1602-14, 29CFR1620.32, 41CFR60-1.12, KSA44-1209,
OAC 240:10, MN Chapter, OH Title XLI-4111.08, CA Division 2-part 4-Chapter
1-1174(d), 41CFR60-741-52, 41CFR60-741-80, I did not write these
4. Retention was a business decision, not a legal one.
5. Based on Canadian inc. tax act plus exp. in pension calculation risk
6. No - but is based on the standards recommended by our state authority on
Records - Texas State Library and Archives Comm. 7.N1-434-89-1, item 1 -
(DOE Administrative Records Schedule
8. Tax codes
9. 29USC626; 29CFR1627.3; ADEA; 29CFR1602.31; Title VII of Civil Rights Act of
1964; ADA; M.S. 13.43, subd 2
10. Florida Statute
11. no
12. Ohio Revise Code and (6 yrs) Ohio Case Law (7yrs) Otherwise we'd be down to 5
yrs in the US. This is for clean personnel files, not medical records, not DB
paperwork, not benefits, not payroll.
13. HAR 12-20-8
14. 29CFR1602
15. US:29 CFR 1627.3
16. DOE Admin Schedule 1, N1-434-98-4 Items1/1.1
17. None
18. 29 CFR 1620.32, US: 29 CFR 1627.3, 26 CFR 31.6001-1, 29 CFR 1602.14
19. State of FL General Schedule 1-SL, Item #19
20. To many to list- doesn't want to let me paste
21. 29 CFR 1602.14, 29 CFR 1627.3
22. yes Federal: 26 CFR 31.6001-1; 29 CFR 516.5; 29 CFR 825.500; 29 CFR 1602.14;
29 USCS 1059; California: 8 CCR 11040; 22 CCR 1085-2; Cal
23. no specific citation - based on statute of limitations and business needs
24. 29 C.F.R. 1602.14, 1627.3.
25. GC34090
26. Wyoming Statutes 9-2-410
27. GS50-04B-06, GS50-03E-15 WA ST Schedule
28. statute of limitations
29. Statute of limitation
30. too many to list - 29CFR4007.10
31. No - Company decision due to litigation.
32. no, but this is the choice of my law firm. Minimum retention is 10 years.
33. We use 29CFR1602.14: One year from term or final disposition of matter involving
a charge of discrimination. We use a six year retention period to ensure all
discrimination cases have been cleared upon final disposition.
34. general statute of contract limitations - Skupsky-based
35. Statute of Limitations
36. SOE Approved Records Schedule
37. Business need, set by state
38. Attorney directed-Legislation 2006 Mon
39. 29 C.F.R. §§ 1602, 1627, 1630; EEOC ADA Technical Assistance Manual section
6.5: 15 U.S.C. § 1681b(b)(2)(A)(ii); 16 C.F.R. §§ 682.1 - 682.5
40. ADEA, Illinois Minimum Wage law
41. Business decision 


29. Aerospace/defense
4. Aircraft Manufacturing
32. Chemical
17. computer
7. Consulting (this is taken from a prev. role as MRO in BC Canada)
18. Consumer Goods/Manufacturing.
49. Contractor Research and Development
25. Contractor to Federal Agency (DOE)
11. Department of Energy - National Nuclear Security
16. Document managment service bureau
3. Education
13. Education
40. education
6. financial
31. Financial
5. Financial, however, retention came from our automotive manufacturing brand
2. government
26. Government
50. Govt. Utilities
45. Health care
24. Health Insurance
30. Healthcare
51. Hi Tech
23. Higher Education
39. Higher Education
52. Higher Education
9. Human Resource Consulting
35. Insurance
12. Law firm
44. Legal
46. Legal
19. Local Government
33. Local Government
36. local government / municipality
38. Local Government, Washington State
8. Manufacturing
22. Manufacturing
41. Manufacturing/Paint and Coatings
15. Municipal Government
53. Non-profit
20. Other
43. Petroleum
28. Public education
34. restaurant
27. Retail
21. Service
10. State Government
37. State Government
14. state governmental agency
54. Telecom / High Tech

1. Utilities
42. Utilities
48. Utilities
47. Utilities/conglomerate