I was asked this question by a potential member who is considering joining the association. It is a great question and one I enjoy talking about with anyone within shouting distance. The main benefits gained from membership are: the resources available from the headquarters of the association, networking with peers and the training opportunities that are available through membership in your local chapter of ARMA.
I find that these three resources are provided by the association that help keep me informed on issues and/or topics that assist me in providing better services to my clients. The resources are:
The Annual ARMA International conference provides opportunities from conference educational sessions to visiting the major vendors in the field of records and information management. I particularly enjoy sessions that are oriented towards lessons learned and/or advances IN information management systems. I look forward to attending the conference as it also provides me time to get re-acquainted with friends and meet new people in the association. And as an added plus, it allows me to visit different parts of the country that I have not visited before. I’m looking forward to the next conference in San Antonio, Texas and plan to take a few extra days to see the sites, especially the Alamo, and visit with friends. Check out the conference website:
I’m also thoroughly enjoying the ARMA headquarters web seminars that provide additional training opportunities for not only the beginner, but also more experienced RIM professionals. While I may not always agree with the presenter, it does provide me with different views on the subject and makes me reconsider by perception of the subject. ARMA also retains the seminars in their archives in case you missed the original session plus the question and answer session. Check out the web site for more information at:
I also review the offering at the ARMA bookstore ( to see what is new. I pass this information along to my clients if they are interested in developing their programs.
I also belong to the Records Management Listserv. While I do not always agree with the person sending the message, I find it stimulating and it really makes me think about some of the topics being presented. It certainly is not a place for the complacent or the one who prefers to follow the “tunnel vision method” of record and information management. I believe the group has over 1500 members from around the world so you get a good view of records management from other perspectives. However, you also sometime get bogged down with the volume of messages, but you may remedy that by taking the digest method of receiving the information. One of the major benefits of the listserv are the weekly records and information management news articles with the internet URLs provided by Peter Kurilecz. The articles really reflect what is going on in the profession, the problems, and new governmental initiatives. To join this listserv send an email message to LISTSERV@LISTS.UFL.EDU and leave the subject line blank (empty). You will get a message back acknowledging your message with additional information on how to manage the program. Another benefit of this listserv is they have a great get together at annual ARMA conference. It is a great chance to meet and put a face to the person sending emails to the listserv and to renew old acquaintances.
At the local chapter I find the programs being provided more than make the chapter dues worthwhile. Our chapter, for example, will have 10 meetings during the ARMA year, (9 evening programs and 2 workshops that cover records and information management training for both the public and private sector members). In addition, the chapter held a seminar in conjunction with our evening program. The chapter meeting provides an excellent opportunity to converse with other in your profession on subjects of personal interest. We also provide a quality newsletter for our membership that has articles of interest to the professional and a website that keeps the membership informed of upcoming events. Visit the website at:
As a chapter we also cooperate closely with two other chapters in the local area for the benefit of our members. We hold joint seminars and maintain a job blog on records and information management positions open in the local area at:
I want to emphasize that membership in this association has not only helped me increase my knowledge in the field, but has provided me the opportunity to meet and make friends with other professionals who are more than generous in their willingness to assist others in their quest for knowledge in this field of endeavor. This sharing of knowledge and experience is invaluable and well worth the price of admission to a membership in ARMA.
BobDalton, CRM of Dalton Consulting